Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Vent Covers

Imagine waking to find that during the night, something or someone had lifted off your furnace vent covers?  That's exactly what happened to me.  Often I would awake to find a vent cover lying askew.  I quickly realized that my cats were to blame.  It appeared that the vent cover, or possibly what lie beneath it, was of great interest to my cats.  At first, I thought this was funny and rather unusual.  But then I began to wonder if the cats were dropping things down the in point:
Do you see that little yellow round object?  That's a cat toy!   I can only imagine the fun my cats must have had watching and listening to that little ball jingle and roll its way into the vent and out of sight. 

More of Kaia's Handiwork

Now I know that I am repeating myself here, but I just think it's funny that Kaia will use anything at hand (or should I say "at paw"), to cover her food dish.  Here, she has used her little cat mat for the job.  Note too the distance her bowls have slid across the floor during the process?